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Introduction of EcoDesign Regulation [EU] 2019/1781

Soon, the current ecodesign regulation will be changing. On the 31st June 2021, [EC] 640/2009 will be replaced by [EU] 2019/1781 and will be delivered over 2 stages. This regulation applies to motors sold and imported in the EU but not to those exported to overseas. Motors exempt from the new regulation: high voltage motors; mining motors and Totally Enclosed Non-Ventilated (TENV) motors.

Stage 1

Coming into effect on the 1st July 2021, efficiency requirements will be introduced for motors of 0.12 to 0.74kW, which must now meet IE2 efficiency levels. Previously the IE3 efficiency requirement stopped at 375kW, this has now been increased to 1000kW.

In addition to the efficiency level changes above, the following motor types are to be introduced in stage one: 8 pole speeds, brake motors, hazardous area motors:
Ex ec, Ex tb, Ex tc, Ex db & Ex dc. Totally Enclosed Air Over motors and motors with duty cycles: S1, S3 ≥ 80%.

Please note: IE2 +VSD is no longer applicable.

Stage 2

Stage 2 will come into effect two years after Stage 1, on the 31st July 2023. This stage will see the introduction of IE4 motors, which will be mandatory for motor outposts of 75kW-200kW in 2,4 and 6 poles

Stage two also introduces a minimum efficiency value of IE2 for single phase motors and Ex eb (increased safety) motors.

Detailed Timetable of Rollout